We conducted a one-day workshop using drones for students from Seibu Bunri High School who visited Singapore on a study tour at Block71.
SenseFoil PTE.LTD.
SenseFoil is a Singapore-based UAV R&D consultant that leverages its know-how of UI/UX design and human-computer interaction.
We conducted a one-day workshop using drones for students from Seibu Bunri High School who visited Singapore on a study tour at Block71.
Our Crowmunication project has recently been showcased in a high school geography textbook as a prime example of cutting-edge research and development in the realm of technology for animal coexistence. This pioneering initiative utilizes advanced information technology to foster interaction between humans and animals, specifically in the context of crow populations.
The Crowmunication project was highlighted in the "Lights and Shadows of the Advanced Information Society" column, a section of the textbook dedicated to exploring the potential benefits and drawbacks of the rapidly evolving field of information technology. As an animal-computer interaction endeavor, Crowmunication employs the latest Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI) technology, seamlessly integrated into a drone system that facilitates real-time communication with crows.
By leveraging this innovative technology, Crowmunication aims to bridge the gap between humans and crows, ultimately leading to greater understanding and coexistence. The project's inclusion in the high school textbook serves as a testament to its significance and potential impact on the scientific community and beyond.
The RoboHansa (AST-231) is an autonomous sailing drone modeled after the inclusive Hansa Class sailboat. In September 2022, it will undergo a 22 km autonomous sailing test between Hayama and Zushi. RoboHansa is not only being developed as an autonomous passenger/cargo sailboat but also as a tool to aid in sailing for all individuals.
RoboHansa (AST-231)は、インクルーシブなヨットであるハンザ級をベースとした自律航行型ドローンです。2022年9月に葉山~逗子間で22kmの自律航行実験mに成功しました。RoboHansaは、自律型旅客・貨物用ヨットとしてだけでなく、あらゆる人のヨット操船を補助・帆走能力を拡張するツールとして可能性を持っています。
As part of the "Smart Island Promotion Demonstration and Research Project", an unmanned sailboat drone demonstration was conducted on September 23, 2022 at the Port of Sakata in Sakata City, Yamagata Prefecture.
The Type-M (AST-201) autonomous sailing vessel features a wingsail design, which enables it to sail more efficiently than traditional fabric sails. With its 2 18650 batteries (25Wh), it has a endurance of more than 24 hours.
By incorporating solar panels, this boat can achieve an infinite range, allowing for automation and remote operation of long voyages and demanding surveillance missions.
The NanoGoblin VTOL is a lightweight unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) with a simple mechanical design that lacks control surfaces. It is a VTOL (Vertical Takeoff and Landing) drone that has been customized from the open plan fixed-wing aircraft NanoGoblin. With a takeoff weight of less than 240 grams, it is based on our extensive experience in creating ultra-small drones.
NanoGoblin VTOLは操縦面を持たない、軽量かつシンプルな機械構造をコンセプトとして開発されたドローンです。公開図面の固定翼機をVTOLカスタマイズし、また豊富な極小ドローン開発経験を活かし240グラム以下の離陸重量を実現しています。
The goal of this study is to enhance the capabilities of both crows and humans by utilizing interactive technologies such as robotics and AI, with a focus on the common and intelligent crows in our daily lives. We will focus on understanding communication between crows, and how that understanding can be used to improve communication between humans and crows. Specifically, we will address three key issues: (1) decoding crow behavior and communication, (2) developing a system to utilize crow abilities, and (3) creating an interactive system that promotes positive attitudes and behaviors towards crows.
本研究では,我々の身近にいる最も普通の野生生物でありながら知的な生物であると言われているカラスを対象に,ロボティクス、人工知能などのインタラクティブ技術を用いてカラスと人間がそれぞれの能力を活用することで,相互の能力拡張と共生関係の実現を目指す。そのために,カラス間のコミュニケーションを中心に理解を深めることと,それを活用して人とカラスの間のコミュニケーションの実現可能性を検討することから始める.具体的には,次の3つに取り組んでいる。(1) カラスの行動の翻訳とコミュニケーションの挑戦 (2) カラスの能力を活用するシステムの検討・試作、 (3) 人のカラスに対するモラル向上と行動変容を促すインタラクティブシステムの検討と試作を行っている。
"Type-P" is a drone being developed to reduce travel time for water navigation and migration by flying, moving, and landing on the water. It is being researched as a model for automated sailing surveys and transportation in difficult-to-reach areas such as rivers without sea walls and waters with many reefs, and for destinations far from the coast.
The Japan Creative Centre (JCC) was transformed for the first time into a Tokusatsu (Japanese-style special filming effect/diorama set) for drones to fly in! Joined us as we explored the exciting and sometimes peculiar world of drones and the individuals who design them. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), which have been present in mainstream society for a decade, may no longer be considered a technological novelty. But, have you ever seen drones racing in an environment that can be adapted to look like any location using augmented reality?
A VTOL (Vertical Takeoff and Landing) aircraft is a fixed-wing plane that is able to take off and land vertically. In 2019, we developed and successfully test-flew a prototype tilt-rotor aircraft using Ardupilot firmware and a MATEK flight controller. Following this success, we have successfully converted several home-built aircraft into VTOL, including a tail-sitter design and a quad-plane design.
Third-Person Piloting is a novel drone manipulation interface that increases situational awareness using an interactive third-person perspective from a second, spatially coupled drone. The pilot uses a controller with a manipulatable miniature drone. Our algorithm understands the relationship between the pilot's eye position and the miniature drone and ensures that the same spatial relationship is maintained between the two real drones in the sky.
本研究では,空間的に連動する2台のドローンを利用して従来のドローン操縦インタフェースを拡張するインタフェースを提案する.提案インタフェースでは,主たる操縦対象のドローン(主ドローン)カメラによる一人称視点に加えて,主ドローンに空間連動する副ドローンを用いて広域な三人称視点を提供することでパイロットのドローン周囲への理解(Situational Awareness)を高め,ドローンの操縦や飛行経路計画をより簡単にする.主・副ドローンの位置関係は,座標系対連動法を応用して,パイロットの視点位置とコントローラ上に設置された主ドローンの模型との位置関係と同等になるように自動的に制御される.パイロットは,スティックコントローラで主ドローンを従来どおりの方法で操作することが可能で,そして,必要に応じてその模型の姿勢を操作して副ドローンの位置(三人称視点)を変更することができる.我々は,この提案インタフェースのプロトタイプをプログラマブルなドローンを用いて実装し,ドローン操縦経験の異なる複数の参加者群による予備実験を実施した.その結果,提案インタフェースは参加者から好意的に受け止められ,ドローン操縦時の周囲の理解を助けたことを確認した.
Ryotaro Temma, Kazuki Takashima, Kazuyuki Fujita, Koh Sueda, and Yoshifumi Kitamura. 2019. Third-Person Piloting: Increasing Situational Awareness using a Spatially Coupled Second Drone. In Proceedings of the 32nd Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST '19). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 507–519. https://doi.org/10.1145/3332165.3347953